Shoulder pain often accompanies neck pain and is usually due to sitting for long hours in front of your desk, which can cause your shoulders to round or slouch forward. Left uncorrected over many years, it can create strains in your shoulder that can contribute to frozen shoulder. Having a frozen shoulder can be quite debilitating and frustrating. It often occurs due to micro tears in the muscle and repetitive stress. There are 3 stages that occur with frozen shoulder. The first stage is stiffness in the muscles of the surrounding shoulder. The second stage is inflammation and pain. The third is pain accompanied by limited range of motion due to the muscles fatiguing and seizing up.
Chiropractic care has been shown to be highly effective in managing shoulder pain and rehabilitating frozen shoulder with a combination of chiropractic adjustment, neuromuscular treatment and exercises.
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COMO Health Talk Doing Hummingbird Exercises
Dr Igor Kochekovich
Jeffrey Wang
Carol Fusek
Robert Shannon
Fr Edward Lim
Christoph Favre
Velda Chew
Gauri Lakhanpal
We Got Your Back
Dr Igor Kochekovich
Jeffrey Wang
Welcome to Arc of Life
“ Honestly, I haven’t heard of ANF Therapy but I was at a point of total desperation seeking help with the multiple inflammations in my body of which 5 specialists whom I was referred to couldn’t be of help. In fact, the orthopedic put me through different kinds of therapy of which the shock wave therapy in particular, caused even more pain and deterioration of my condition.
A little background, all these started from a seemingly common flu and infection, which was treated by 4 courses of antibiotics and subsequently on my way to recovery, I was hit by a salivary gland swell on my right, which triggered a whole series of issues. These issues include extreme pain and stiffness of my entire neck, lymph nodes swelling and pain, and back and shoulder aches which lasted more than 6 months.
I brought my son to Arc of Life Chiropractic, mostly with the intention of treating his back. But as he progresses, and I started to learn more from the chiropractor and the staff, I was convinced that I probably needed more help than my son. First I did an assessment and what he deduced was spot-on accurate. My faith in him quickly multiplied after he adjusted my cranial and neck. I had literally an instantaneous relief. Soon followed by the ANF Therapy and similarly with the first batch of discs placed on me, the pain and inflamed areas immediately subsided to significant levels.
Subsequently, I wanted to understand more and read up on ANF. I understood that many are skeptical and apprehensive of such alternative treatments. It is in a way a blessing in disguise for me to be going into the treatment oblivious of some of the skepticism out there, which saved me from potential deliberation on seeking treatments from Dr Ching.
Everyone who is aware of my condition, can attest to the remarkable improvements and 90% of them had asked for Arc of Life’s contact details. I’m truly blessed as this has only been my first experiences (and in fact my family of four now has signed up with Arc of Life for regular treatments) with chiropractic treatments and one which is truly world class. Dr Ching has a wealth of experience coupled with a belt of expertise in several treatment protocols which enables him to treat patients with complex issues more effectively. The staff are also very professional, knowledgeable, encouraging and helpful. Arc of Life has my recommendation for sure.”
I started off having upper body aches from running and high intensity workouts. Especially after jogging 4km, my core cannot hold proper posture, and I experienced sharp pain that I cannot endure. The pain continued to be felt even after sleep. It lasted for probably 6 months before I finally decided to try chiropractic adjustment.
After several sessions of treatment, now I am able to continuously jog for 19km non-stop. I no longer feel the aches during the runs and hope to push myself to progress further and complete a marathon at the end of the year. The exercises taught by Dr Andrew definitely helped my body to slowly shift to a better posture and strengthened my core muscles that is needed to better hold my posture.
I had pain in my left hip and tennis elbow 1.5 years ago. I was told by my doctors then that I had overused both my left hip and left hand as I was unable to use much of my right hand due to a tear on my right shoulder from a previous injury. Creams, cold compress and medication did help. However, the pain returned at the end of last year and this time it radiated down the side of my leg to the shin. I found walking difficult and my left leg weak. A friend who had been treated by Dr Andrew Ching recommended that I see him.
At my very first session with Dr Ching, I was relieved that much of the pain I experienced was greatly reduced. Dr Ching was thorough in his examination. He was skillful in detecting my problem areas and explained the causes of my pain issues. He answered all my queries patiently and professionally. He treated my musculoskeletal misalignment and reduced my pain through the ANF Therapy treatment. There is less discomfort in my hip area and left leg. I was able to gain almost normalcy in walking immediately after that first session. Subsequent sessions further helped in the healing process. I have confidence that through Dr Ching’s monitoring and chiropractic care, I should be able to move to a higher level of mobility and a greater sense of well-being.
Long hours of working from home and back-to-back meetings have taken a toll on my hubby’s back. Sitting down to work was impossible without the aid of a back support belt, he couldn’t stand up straight or bend without pain and he couldn’t sleep well due to the nagging pain on his back. The constant strain on his back affected his daily life badly. My hubby, Dave then started seeing a chiropractor for awhile but the relieve only lasted a short 2 days, I knew right then we should perhaps seek help from another chiropractor.
I recalled hearing about Dr Andrew from our colleague on how Dr Andrew’s treatment has helped for his elderly father’s spinal decompression issue and how his elderly father escaped an operation thanks to Dr Andrew’s treatment. I decided to ask for Dr Andrew’s contact from my colleague and that is how Dave started seeking treatment from Dr Andrew since end June 2020.
After Dave’s first treatment session, he felt that the relieve actually lasted longer, hence I believe we have found the right chiropractor for his issue. On top of the weekly chiropractic adjustment, Dr Andrew also taught Dave some exercises which Dave would do daily to help strengthen his neck and back muscles. As Dave benefited from the wobble chair exercise in Dr Andrew’s clinic, we decided to purchase a similar chair for the same function. We consulted Dr Andrew’s professional advice before the procurement and we also bought the Cervical Denneroll from the clinic to aid Dave’s neck/back exercises at home.
Fast-forward to today, Dave no longer need the back support belt and he is able to bend/stand up straight without pain. He no longer feels that constant strain and he sleeps better now.
We would like to thank Dr Andrew for his professional help/advices and we also appreciate Dulcie and Stella who are always so friendly, accommodating and nice! We definitely recommend Arc of Life Chiropractic for its excellent quality of care!
First and foremost, I’d like to thank Dr Andrew for assuring me and making me feel hopeful that I am still able to do sports despite the break in my L5. I just can’t imagine myself not doing sports or exercising! I’ll end up being the most depressed person in the world! Regular chiropractic adjustments to my spine by Dr Andrew and an active approach to strengthening my core has made my body stronger and fitter to do sports. Furthermore, Dr Andrew has given me many advices on what kind of exercises to do, how to do and what not to do. This allows me to understand my body and injury more and hence I’m now able to work out without aggravating my injury. Thank you Dr Andrew for your help. If I haven’t met you, I’ll still be experiencing back pain…
The story goes back to 2012 where I had a bad injury and had a “slip disc” so I decided to try to chiropractic from a few clinic.
Finally when came to Dr Andrew, I found that his approach is genuine and I really can feel the care and concern for my overall wellbeing and not being too commercialize like the other clinic I went to.
Bring forward today 2020, I’m still having my overall health posture maintenance with Dr Andrew. Getting health tips from him on and off. Would encourage you guys to drop by one of these days!
My condition is quite typical of people walking in sedentary type of jobs that require much time spent in front of the computer or at meetings. Over time my spine took the brunt of years of sitting. My lumbar areas L4/L5 saw some compression. It was in December 2019 that the pain was so excruciating that my back and left leg was affected. I could hardly walk. The inflammation at the back of my thigh was so bad that it was “rock hard”. I have a high tolerance for pain and wished the pain would go away but it did not. I was told that I had pinched nerves that aggravated the pain from my back to my hamstring.
A priest I met then recommended me to see his chiropractor, Dr Andrew Ching, but I took no notice of it, until upon the advice of well-meaning friends that I reluctantly visited the Arc of Life. Frankly, I had heard too many horror stories of chiropractic and was not sure if I will be “treated” correctly. On 20 Jan 2020, I took the plunge to visit Dr Andrew. The diagnosis and consultation were very thorough and he explained the condition to me. Dr Andrew has been very patient with the patient and listens to the need. He is determined to treat the areas affected and explained and provided good information to me. I’m heartened to know that I was not “coerced”, “convinced” or “pestered” into buying anything from the clinic or the treatment. The good thing is that the results show very quickly for me. By using various chiropractic treatments, together with the ANF Therapy frequency discs calibrated for different functions and treatment, the inflammation subsided. I started to walk better and with much reduced pain.
Thank you, Dr Andrew and team, for the care and good nature with your impatient patient!
I am delighted to celebrate 10 years with Dr Andrew and Arc of Life this December. Ever since my first consult and adjustment, Dr Andrew has literally straightened me out and there has been no turning back. He is always warm and cheerful and has also treated my family. My only regret is not knowing him sooner. Who knows, I may be a taller and stronger man today! At least my lower back pain is history.
10 years is a long time and I never would have expected it when I first consulted him, but Dr Andrew has had my back since then. He is always warm and cheerful and can be relied on not just for posture maintenance but also skillfully treating my aches and pains and accelerating my sports recovery. He finds the root cause of the pain (not just targeting the pain) and relieves my pain within a session or two (some injuries take a little more time to heal) sharing exercises to strengthen the injured muscles. He recently acquired expertise in Amino Neuro Frequency (ANF) which has been amazing in relieving pain and restoring muscular motion in seconds (in my experiences at least). Just recently, I experienced pain in my upper left back that started radiating to my left arm. After a week of suffering, I visited him and the pain was relieved after 2 adjustments. Everyone should have a chiropractor like Dr Andrew to look after them, forget about TCM. I most certainly have. Thank you Dr Andrew and thank you Arc of Life!
I was diagnosed with my mild scoliosis in my teens. I also have a history of muscle spasms in my lower back from learning to ride a motorbike. As I grew older, my pilates instructor and personal trainer also informed me that my spine was not curved correctly (“very straight”). I noticed soreness and pain in my shoulders and neck about 6 months ago and decided to approach a chiropractor.
With the x-rays, Dr Andrew was able to advise me and begin corrections. I noticed a difference on my first adjustment. Over time, my personal trainer also commented that my form and posture has improved. The rehab exercises taught to me brought relief, and Dr Andrew’s advice on the changes to my workstation has helped immensely for the shoulder and neck pain.
The clinic staff are friendly, patient and welcoming. I would highly recommend Arc of Life Chiropractic – you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the difference you’ll feel. Thank you Dr Andrew and team!
As a therapist working with some of the Singapore Women Everest team, I got very inspired by their success when they reached the summit back in May 2009. I thought if I could devote five years of working towards climbing Mt Everest; then that possibility could become a reality. Before I get ahead of myself, let me start by reaching the base camp of Everest first.
But how could I train when every hike to Bukit Timah resulted in back or foot pain? Training at Bukit Timah takes about 3 hours, doing the base camp of Everest would take 17 days, over 65 miles and approximately 20,000 feet on foot. I needed help. Help came from Arc of Life Chiropractic.
Without the professional skills and dedication of Dr Andrew Ching, I might have given up because of the pain in my back, knees and foot. Healing is a two-way responsibility. I took Dr Andrew’s exercise advice seriously and came for chiropractic sessions regularly. I could feel the positive changes in my body and that gave me confidence, mentally and physically.
In January 2010, I made it to Cho La Pass 5,420m (17,780 ft) and Base Camp Everest 5,380m (17,650 ft).
Thank you Dr Andrew and the staff at Arc of Life. My next adventure is climbing the Via Ferrata in the Dolomite, Italy and I know who I can count on to turn on the power of the master system in my body.
You know how most of us have a caring and genuine Uncle in our family? The feeling you get from Dr Andrew is exactly that! Not only is he interested in what you do daily, he actually listens and care! He’s also generous in imparting knowledge and will always share, guide and review the exercises that has been taught to strengthen muscles to hold our posture. I have always heard that chiropractic helps in gut health and have always wondered how it does that. I have such issue since many years back (easily bloated) and I have to say, it really did help with my bloated-ness issue and it also aid in my appetite. Visit to know more!!
Okay, when reviewing Arc of Life, you simply cannot not talk about the two lovely ladies, Dulsie and Stella. They never fail to greet and smile (yes, through their mask and yes, can tell!) at everyone who walked through the door. They are also really knowledgeable and are always ready to assist and guide when needed.
All in all, I first walked through the door being skeptical (previous bad experience elsewhere) and arrived with the “giving chiropractic one last chance” mindset. Today, I’m more aware of how my posture should be and what can be done on my part. Visiting the centre became my weekly routine for some time now and that is what I look forward to. Thanks Dr Andrew, Dulsie and Stella!
So, look and compare no further! 10/10 would recommend Arc of Life Chiropractic Centre!
I have been seeing Doctor Andrew since January 2020 with a chronic back problem. After 8 months of therapy sessions and religiously doing the exercises that I have been told to do, my back is much better today.
I am now able to go for long walks with no back issues and the tingling sensation that I used to have in my right leg is gone too!!
I would like to thank Dr Andrew and his team for all the care and education throughout our care program with the clinic. My problem started since I was 7 years old when I was diagnosed with scoliosis. Doctors’ usual advice was “To observe and leave it”. I could not sit up straight for long, had breathing problems, and could not do sit-ups or crunches because my spine hurts. After 3 childbirths, I started to experience loud cracking from my hip joints that hurts even when I walk. Then in May 2007, everything turned for the worse, there was piercing acute lower back pain and acute gastritis that I could not even lie down.
That was when I consulted Dr Andrew. The rest was history. He introduced to me not only the wonderful benefits of chiropractic adjustments but also educated us on natural health habits for optimum health. Now chiropractic care is not a treatment to me anymore but a way of life. Dr Andrew, thank you once again.
I have been experiencing lower back pain ever since I fell on my bum while playing netball in school back in 2006. It hurt really badly for a couple of weeks but the pain eventually went away. The pain somehow returned early this year. It got so unbearable that I could not sit up straight. I went for an x-ray at TTSH and was told that I have scoliosis and spondylolisthesis. The doctor told me that there was nothing I could do to correct my condition except to stop it from getting worse. I was given a few exercises to do daily too.
My parents were upset that the doctor couldn’t do anything more for me. After two weeks, my parents decided to bring me to Dr Andrew. To be honest, I was skeptical about chiropractic at first. But after a month and a half of adjustments, I discovered that the pain is much less now and moreover, my appetite has improved and my focus and concentration has improved I. In addition, my menstrual cramps have lessened and I sleep a lot better at night.
Credits to Dr Andrew =) He has been really patient in explaining my condition to me and how the exercises he taught me can help me improve my overall body function and nervous system.
Dr Andrew’s got your back. He has definitely helped me out in treating my lower back pain due to prolonged sitting hours at work.
He is patient and willing to explain how he is going to treat your pain. His clinic takes a more rehabilitative approach; guiding patients to perform back exercises and maintain good posture, in conjunction with the treatment for the best possible long-term results.
Chiropractic works! I’ve been living with pain for almost 7 years. Tried physiotherapy, supplements, acupuncture, tuina, TCM herbs but the pain persisted.
Then I started seeing Dr Andrew since end of year 2019 and to this day, I’m still one of his happy patient. Sincerely grateful to him, thank you, Doctor!
I used to feel breathless when I exercised, and not able to look up or tilt my head back due to my neck’s immobility. I had to bear excruciating pain that strikes once every 2-3 weeks, it was like torture. When the pain struck, I was unable to function and could do nothing but to lie in bed with medication that brought about side effects. The problem persisted for up to a year.
I was then introduced to Dr Andrew Ching and commenced treatment with him in mid July 2009. In a short span of time, my condition improved by leaps and bounds. I am now able to do simple exercises without facing breathing difficulties and am able to look up again! In addition, I need not consume any medication and the pain has subsided. My life is so much more relaxing and joyful now! Thank you so much Dr Andrew!
Arc of Life Chiropractic has been great and extremely helpful for a flat footed person like me. Also as a person who is active and currently serving NS, going for chiro has been beneficial as it is effective in reducing risk of sports related injuries and helps with recovery/joint pain.
One such example would be after my 24km route march in which I went for a session the next day. Before going, my calves, feet, lower back and shoulders were sore and tight, which made it hard to walk, but after the adjustment, the soreness and tightness in those areas were almost if not all gone, and I was able to move about easily.
I have had problems with my right hip over the last two or more years, together with cervical (neck) aches which eased with the occasional neck massages. When I commenced treatment with Dr Andrew, I was told that my right leg is shorter than my left, and was given an insole support to use. This has somehow helped me in my balance. I have to say the regular chiropractic adjustments have helped me tremendously. Now the pain is no longer an issue, and also the cervical (neck) aches seem to have ceased, reappearing only occasionally.
I never used to think much about chiropractic treatment before, but now I believe that chiropractic treatment has a big role to play in the healthcare field! I would like to thank Dr Andrew very much for the excellent work you have done on me. I will always remember you and your family in my prayers.
I have been suffering from low back pain and stiff neck for many years. However last year in 2009, the excruciating pain had become a problem and it affected my work. Although I have been going through physiotherapy, the pain was still unbearable. Therefore a friend of mine recommended me to Arc of Life Chiropractic Centre and I sought advice from Dr Andrew Ching.
After going through chiropractic adjustments over a period of time, the pain subsequently subsided and now I can even do household chores. During my time at Arc of Life, Dr Andrew and the clinic staff have been very professional and helpful. I really appreciate the service at Arc of Life and I will definitely recommend other people with similar problems to Arc of Life.
The care I received from Dr Andrew was great and has generally improved my well-being. I feel less fatigued, headaches less frequent and my mobility has improved. Thanks Dr Andrew!
I have always been active in the outdoors, doing kayaking, climbing, trekking and the general activities. However, since 2017, I started developing aches in my lower back and left shoulder. I couldn’t figure out what was the cause but I attributed it to desk-bound duties like everyone. One of my colleagues recommended me Dr Andrew and I thought I gave it a try. Chiropractic has never been one of my first options for treatment but my colleague gave a good review.
First consultation really made me realize that Dr Andrew did not want to sell me a product but he really wanted to make me better and pain free for the long term. He was specific in his treatment and diagnosis which I found very professional and much appreciated.
I’m beginning to see the improvements in my lifestyle as I get back my strength and mobility in my body back. Above all, my visit has always been a positive experience as I see the genuine interest to get to know me as a person rather than just a patient.
Being on the treatment has been life-changing positively and I am glad I took action on this. Kudos to Dr Andrew and the clinic.
I went to a few chiropractors before meeting Dr Andrew. However, ever since I started with Arc of Life in 2013, I have been with them ever since – for my scoliosis and other pain and discomforts associated with my spine misalignment. I go for my treatments regularly and also do the exercises taught during each session. Subsequently, my muscle tension reduced and I was also able to conceive. Dr Andrew is a very patient chiropractor and professional. I continued with my chiropractic sessions during my pregnancy and after as well. He took me through 3 pregnancies in all.
Lately, I was introduced to a new therapy – ANF. I was skeptical and doubted the efficiency and effectiveness of these few stickers on my body. I was surprised that the result was amazing. I remembered the first session was detoxification and reducing internal inflammation. My pain level was around 8-9 for almost all the areas he examined. After sticking the discs based on Dr Andrew’s treatment protocol, my pain levels reduced by half to 4-5 within 5 minutes!
There was also once I sprained my ankle very badly and Dr Andrew made time to attend to me despite his busy schedule and my very last-minute call for help. I appreciated it very much. Dr Andrew and his team also followed up closely on my condition. It touches me because it was this human touch (TLC) that makes Arc of Life Special. Thank you.
Have been undergoing chiropractic sessions with Dr Andrew for a year now, and I will recommend him to anyone who is looking for a professional chiropractor. Dr Andrew is practically like your friend, he knows you well enough to recommend suitable exercises to strengthen your muscles and will also help you improve your overall posture. The therapy sessions have improved my shoulder situation under his care.
Dr Andrew had tremendously helped to ease off my vertigo that I have been battling with on and off, which am most grateful for. And during pandemic circuit breaker lockdown when I experienced a very bad sprain, he went through the effort of understanding the problem and provided the solution for immediate application via online.
I received treatment over 12 months during which I was pregnant with my first son. My treatment with Dr Andrew Ching was initiated due to neck and back pain I had been experiencing for many years. It was a great relief to not only have a great diagnosis but also to receive customized care. I believe the treatment I underwent improved my overall wellbeing and contributed to the safe and unproblematic delivery of my son. I would definitely recommend chiropractic treatment with Dr Andrew Ching as I have found his services to be effective and very professional.
I have suffered back problems for over 30 years resulting from impact injuries and heavy lifting (Lower back pain, pains in the legs and bad posture). On holiday in Singapore from Scotland and suffering some pain, I visited Arc of Life Chiropractic Centre.
I was very impressed with Dr Andrew Ching’s thorough examination (including X-ray analysis). He went to great lengths to put into layman’s terms the damage done to my back and to fully explain the planned treatment. They were very flexible in accommodating me within my holiday schedule, timing my treatments between our other commitments. Treatment was instructive and effective.
Now that I am back home in Scotland, I am regularly doing the exercises Dr Andrew prescribed with greatly-reduced levels of pain and noticeably increased mobility. I will be returning to Singapore at the end of this year and intend to book some treatment sessions with Arc of Life. It gives me great pleasure to provide this testimonial.
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