Scoliosis & Poor Posture

Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine into a “C” or “S” shape. It affects girls at least 4 times more than boys and usually occurs just before puberty. Most cases of scoliosis are mild, but some spine deformities continue to worsen as the child grows. A severe spinal curve can reduce the amount of space within the chest, leading to pain, difficulty breathing and inflammation. An excessive rotation in the ribcage can create a rib hump, leading to uneven shoulders and hips, caused by the severe rotation and curvature in the spine.


Traditional treatment for scoliosis is to observe the annual rate of increase in curvature from the time its first seen to when it becomes a problem. Under traditional treatments, if the curve is under 40 degrees, the use of a brace is recommended to hold the spine in place. Curves of 20 degrees or less are thought to be mild, while curves 40 degrees or more are severe and surgery is often recommended. More often than not, wearing a restrictive static brace can cause atrophy in the muscles, which can lead to worse postural problems over time that can have serious consequences on your health.

While chiropractic care can help with pain relief and slowing down the increase of scoliotic curves over time, it cannot be reversed completely. If the scoliosis is detected early, the instability and imbalance of the pelvis and shoulders can be minimized.